What can I do to prevent Koubachi Wi-Fi Plant Sensor from working?

What can I do to prevent Koubachi Wi-Fi Plant Sensor from working?
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I need some tips on blocking that plant sensor. I think that it is not fair that my neighbor uses it for our annual gardening contest. So I need to stop it, any ideas on how to do it?

Hi Laney!

That Koubachi Wi-Fi Plant Sensor can really waste all the competition. And that is not only problem Wi-Fi compatible device can make. That small and thus flexible device will monitor all the vital indicators of your plant and will surely notify you when something is needed. It will monitor watering frequency and the quantity of water, the actual indicators of fertilizing, temperature and lighting.

You should know that that device has some kind of a database where all the parameters for more than 200 various plant species are included and calculated. You’ll only need to input the specie’s name and that plant sensor will do everything else. Developer’s team works on improving that database so you will surely have your plant included there. Koubachi Wi-Fi Plant Sensor connects your Wi-Fi network and shares all the data with your smartphone or tablet over internet. That gadget will also send notification when some of your plants need your attention.

Jammer Store Corporation has some ideas on how to solve your problem. As long as it works via Wi-Fi you will be able to deal with it easily. The only thing you need is to block the Wi-Fi frequency, which is 2.4 GHz. The only thing you need is a simple Wi-Fi blocking device. As long as you need to jam your neighbour's device you will surely need a really powerful device with a huge blocking range. And that will be that powerful stationary Wi-Fi signal blocker. It will surely block that plant sensor and save your annual contest.

Thanks for your question. I hope I’ve managed to help.

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