Can cell phone jammers block signals in other people's cars?

Can cell phone jammers block signals in other people's cars?
Home >  Can cell phone jammers block signals in other people's cars?
Hi guys! I know that I can use cell phone jammer in my car to avoid distracted driving but can I use it to block cell phone signals in other people's cars?

Hello Rodney!

Using your cell phone jammer in the car is a very smart way to avoid distracted driving and make your life and lives of your family safer. I guess you have portable cell phone jammer and that is why you have asked this question.

So no matter if you are driving in your car, or your friend's car, or any relative of your drives you by his or her car - you can use your cell phone jammer in any vehicle to make sure that distracted driving will not endanger your life and lives of other people in the car.

By the way, you can combine the effectiveness of mobile phone jammer with GPS jammer if you use any of GSM/GPS jammers. This will help you not only prevent distracted driving but also it will protect you from possible GPS tracking applied to your car.

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